Multiples Testimonials

"We are so grateful to her [Dr Vyas] and would highly recommend her..."
Ann-Marie Donovan Moore, 12 mo twin girls, Slidell, LA
Wow, what can I say thankful{ly} we enlisted the help of Dr. Vyas. We have twin girls who are now 16 months old and we were struggling with only getting 2-3 hours before one twin would wake for another bottle. We started the journey and were surprised how quickly they were able to adapt and sleep through the night. We also travel a significant amount as I am from Ireland. I was very worried that when we changed time zones and were in another place that all of our hard work would be undone, but no, we were able to implement all of the tools Dr. Vyas gave us to allow my girls and their parents to continue to have a restful nights sleep. We are so grateful to her and would highly recommend her for helping our little ones sleep.

"A long overdue review for my hero!"
Carrie Parker, 7 mo girl & triplets, Dallas, TX
A long overdue review for my hero (😊), Dr Vyas, aka Sleepless In NOLA. So many people ask “how do you do it” with triplets and we are only sane because they sleep! When we first told people we were having triplets, all we heard over and over was "oh, you'll never sleep again". It was annoying, but I knew better. Why? Because we had a tool in our toolbox that I knew would work again. We called Dr. Vyas (Sleepless in NOLA) when Charley was 7 months old and she slept 12 hrs the first night and was fully sleep trained taking multiple naps a day by day 4. She is 3 1/2 and still sleeps 12 hrs and naps 1 1/2-3 hrs. We knew 3 babies in the same room would be more work, but we implemented as much as we knew to on our own from Dr. V to help the babies sleep as much as possible before they were old enough, or weighed enough, to be sleep trained. We had them sleeping 10-7 pretty quickly, then 7-7 with a quick "dream feed" at 10:00. We knew the hard part was going to come when we transitioned them from our rooms in rock n plays to their own cribs and we were right. So, we made the call to Dr. Vyas again and were off to the races. We had to try a few different things, and it may have taken a little longer to get all 3 in sync and sleeping through each other's noise, but it worked. There was so much less crying that I anticipated. They have been sleeping 12 hours a night since February (6 months old) and they still take multiple naps as they should until they wake at 4:00PM. Talk about a game changer! To say Dr. Vyas has changed our lives is an understatement. She's changed the lives of our kids as well. Once Charley started sleeping 12 hrs, I felt so much guilt for how much sleep she WASN'T getting before. I know we have established good sleeping patterns for life for them. I hear people all the time say "he/she is just not a good sleeper" and that is probably true. I think you are just lucky if you have a baby that sleeps great that hasn't been trained. Babies have to be taught how to sleep and if you stick to the individual plan Dr. Vyas writes up for you, I think just about any kid out there can be trained. As someone who has THREE babies in the same room sleeping 12 hrs a night, I feel like I have earned a slight right to say that. 🙂 There are a lot of "sleep trainers" out there, but I doubt you'll find many who are pediatricians. Dr. Vyas saw such a need for helping families that she now does sleep consulting full time. She is located in NOLA but has helped us virtually, and can do the same for any of you. She can help from 4 months to 21 years, and even helps pregnant mommas! If your kids aren't sleeping, don't wait. It is the best money we've ever spent...EVER.